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I flipped 2 houses in 2015.

In 2016, I flipped and wholesaled a total of 67 houses.

The next year I did 187 houses.

This is what scaling looks like.

And I didn't use my own money to pay for any of it.

Want more private money to fund your real estate deals?

Doesn’t matter if you’re flipping or wholesaling or buying rentals...

Having access to private capital means sellers pay attention.

It means you can negotiate the terms you want.

It gives you confidence knowing you can close deals on time.

It means you can buy houses other investors can’t.

This video takes you through the funding strategies I used to grow my real estate investing business from 2 deals per year to 180+ deals per year...

...all by getting access to the RIGHT private money.
Bill Allen
Bill Allen is an investor and real estate mentor. He and his team are actively flipping and wholesaling houses in 3 cities, doing about 200 deals per year. Because his investing business is almost entirely systematized, he works just 2 to 3 hours per week and spends his free time with his wife Lucy and 3 young kids.