100% Free | 100% Virtual | Real Estate Investor Training | November 11-15, 2024

Want More Time With Your Family? I'll show you how to get consistent weekly deal flow so you can flip, wholesale, or keep as many houses as you want... and create $10,000 to $50,000 paydays whenever you need money. (That's real freedom!)

LIVE TRAINING: November 11-15, 2024

Want More Time With Your Family? Join the


I'll show you how to get consistent weekly deal flow so you can flip, wholesale, or keep as many houses as you want... and create $10,000 to $50,000 paydays whenever you need money. (That's real freedom!)

LIVE TRAINING: November 11-15, 2024

Can you transform your income and your life in just a few days? Take the challenge and find out...

Bill Allen

Founder, BlackJack Real Estate

Adam Whitney

CEO, BlackJack Real Estate

For Real Estate Investors Who Are Ready to Take Action and Get Their First (or Next) Deal This Week

For Real Estate Investors Who Are Ready to Take Action and Get Their First (or Next) Deal This Week

Adam Whitney is going live on Zoom to break down the off-market deal-sourcing strategies that are working right now.

He's going to pull lists, reach out to leads, talk to sellers, set appointments, and build a real deal pipeline all LIVE with you so you can copy it for yourself.

This challenge is FREE to attend... but please DON'T sign up if you're not going to actually use this stuff.

DATE: November 11-15, 2024

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Central Time (Each Day)

Free Virtual Training (On Zoom)

What Does Freedom Look Like to You?

What Does Freedom Look Like to You?

Here’s one definition…

“Freedom” means having $2,000,000 of capital invested at an 8% annualized return.

That will spin off $160,000 per year in income (before taxes)…

…which is just about enough for most people to pay their bills and live comfortably without dipping into the principal.

But most of us don’t have $2,000,000 lying around.

So let me share with you a different definition of freedom (and this version is COMPLETELY attainable… for anyone).

“Freedom” for real estate investors means having consistent off-market deal flow coming to you on autopilot... so you're always only a couple days away from your next $50,000 payday.

“Freedom” for real estate investors means having consistent off-market deal flow coming to you on autopilot... so you're always only a couple days away from your next $50,000 payday.

I’m talking about off-market properties…

That you can buy at a discount…

With built-in profit…

And no competitors trying to outbid you...

...automatically showing up in your inbox like clockwork every week.

When you have deal flow like this, you don’t need $2,000,000 in the bank… you can pick up a property whenever you want and turn it into $10,000 or $50,000 or more.

(Flipping, wholesaling, BRRRRing, AirBnb-ing, or anything else… they all start with deal flow.)

More importantly, deal flow gives you confidence.

You don’t have to wonder if you’re going to be able to put food on the table for your family 30 days from now… 6 months from now… 2 years from now.

You’ll know you can do it anytime you need to.

The best part is… you can create this type of freedom yourself in just a few days.

My business partner Adam Whitney is going to show you exactly how to do it on the Freedom Challenge.

Adam just retired from the Marines after 20 years of active duty service.

Adam just retired from the Marines after 20 years of active duty service.

Which means he has a little extra “free time” these days.

So he came to me and said “I want to do a free challenge showing how we’re closing 5 houses per month right now from off-market sources.”

And of course I agreed.

(I love challenges because instead of just teaching concepts, there’s action involved.)

You won't just be learning "how" to create deal flow... you’ll be doing the work alongside Adam each day to set up your own off-market deal system.

We're calling it the Freedom Challenge.

We're calling it the Freedom Challenge.

It’s 100% free to attend but it starts VERY soon.

There will be replays available if you can’t attend live, but do EVERYTHING you can to attend live. (It makes a huge difference to learning and retention, and plus you’ll be able to ask Adam questions.)

Hit the button below to sign up.

Adam is going to walk you through the system he’s using to close 60 deals per year.

Adam is going to walk you through the system he’s using to close 60 deals per year.

This is a great chance to look inside a successful real estate investing operation.

And if you’re thinking, “Deal flow sounds great, but I don’t know what to do with these houses AFTER that… how do I analyze them? How do I close them? What do I say to the sellers? I don’t know where to begin with any of this!”

…then you’re in luck.

Adam is going to dive into ALL OF THAT too.

I don’t know if we’ll ever do this specific challenge again…

So if you want to get in on this, enter your info below and join now.

Enter Your Info Below to Join the Freedom Challenge!

Enter Your Info Below to Join the Challenge!

DATE: November 11-15, 2024

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Central Time (Each Day)

Free Virtual Training (On Zoom)


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